Rando Parc Châtel

Important information:
  • Ski slopes are not open outside lift operating hours (8.30am to 4.30pm).
  • Skiing down them outside of their opening hours can still lead to dangers such as avalanches or accidents with snow groomers.
  • Be warned! Anyone using closed slopes does so at their own risk.

Advised equipment:
  • An activated avalanche transceiver, set to « transmit » mode.
  • a head torch
  • a mobile phone
  • a shovel
  • a helmet
  • a probe
Avalanche danger scale:
  1. Generally stable conditions.
  2. Mostly stable conditions. Caution is advised particularly when crossing steep slopes at the exposures and altitudes indicated in the bulletins.
  3. Partially unfavourable conditions. When possible, avoid steep slopes at the exposures and altitudes mentioned in the bulletins.
  4. Understanding and assessing the dangers of avalanches requires experience.
  5. Adverse conditions. Stick to more gentle slopes and take avalanche deposition zones into consideration. Understanding and assessing the dangers of avalanches requires experience.
  6. Adverse conditions. Stick to more gentle slopes and take avalanche deposition zones into consideration. Understanding and assessing the dangers of avalanches requires experience.

Practical information:
  1. Ski touring in the ski area is permitted ONLY on the itineraries designated for this purpose.
  2. Make sure you have the right equipment.
  3. You are responsible for your own safety and that of others.
  4. Respect nature and the peace and quiet of the area.
  5. Never set off alone and inform those around you.
  6. Adapt your itinerary to your physical abilities, the weather conditions and the time you have available.

Download the Rando Parc guide
+33 4 50 73 35 99
The route starts at the arrival of the Petit-Châtel chairlift, a little below on the right. You will start a gentle climb up to the Barbossine mountain pasture where you will turn left towards the forest on the summer path.
+33 4 50 73 35 99
At the arrival of the Super-Châtel cable car, to start the itinerary, follow the footpath in the direction of the Lac de Conche. Continue the itinerary in the direction of the Chalet Neuf restaurant and the Col de Culet.
+33 4 50 73 35 99
The route starts with a climb in the heart of the forest with some great views over the valley. A climb without conversions with several technical parts on the first part.
+33 4 50 73 35 99
Take the Super-Châtel gondola to the starting point. Go down the telecorde track then up towards the Morclan chairlift. Turn right and head towards the forest to join the groomed path.